1st Faculty of Medicine Charles University 1st Faculty of Medicine Charles University Institute of Immunology and Microbiology
rpato 10.10.2022


General Medicine | Dentistry | Eligible subjects


Branch: General Medicine

B83122 Microbiology 1
- additional information, visit web pages SIS - link here


PRESENTATIONs - visit web pages SIS

Adobe Acrobat Reader version 10, 11 or 12(DC) recommanded.
4 Apple users, no password needed to open pdf files, use different browser.


B83163 Microbiology 2
- additional information, visit web pages SIS - link here


PRESENTATIONs - visit web pages SIS

Adobe Acrobat Reader version 10, 11 or 12(DC) recommanded.
4 Apple users, no password needed to open pdf files, use different browser.


B80054 Integrated Block Mikrobiology/Pathology
- additional information, visit web pages SIS - link here


Branch: Dentistry

B81148 Microbiology
- additional information, visit web pages SIS - link here


PRESENTATIONs - visit web pages SIS

Adobe Acrobat Reader version 10, 11 or 12(DC) recommanded.
4 Apple users, no password needed to open pdf files, use different browser.


Eligible subjects

B81670 Modern Diagnostic Techniques in Medical Microbiology and Immunology
- additional information, visit web pages SIS - link here

B80134 Tropical Diseases 1,2
- additional information, visit web pages SIS - link here


Microbiology 1 & Microbiology 2 (General Medicine), Microbiology (Dentistry) – both weeks

Laboratory Weeks (General Instructions)

  • Each semester, a list of students assigned to particular laboratory week dates will be issued in the SIS shortly prior the beginning of the semester (once the list of registered students is available).
  • Practical laboratory courses take place in the teaching laboratories of the Dept. Immunology and Microbiology, Studničkova 7, the back entrance, the 1st floor.
  • Students registered for a particular week are liberated from other educational duties at the same time.
  • The practical block starts on Monday at 9.00 a.m, other weekdays as scheduled.
  • Students are obliged to bring their own white coats, lab shoes and padlocks for lockers.
  • Please, check the SIS for recent info in more details!



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