1st Faculty of Medicine Charles University 1st Faculty of Medicine Charles University Institute of clinical immunology and allergology

Study informations

Rules for performance of examination at the Institute of Immunology and Microbiology in the subjects tought in the 2nd and 3rd year of studies

Point (1)
Specifying the examination dates

The dates of examination will be announced in the 6th week of the semester. They will be entered in the SIS. All dates on which the exam can be taken will be specified. This number of dates will be definitive and will include 1.33 times the number of students concerned.

The examination dates (also called “terms”) will be set in the following periods:

A subject in the summer semester
- pre-terms: after fulfilling the study obligations necessary for performance of the exam (particular weeks can be specified)
- terms in the regular examination period of the summer semester (i.e. from beginning to the end of examination period, depending on the specific academic year)
- terms during summer holidays. Some of the terms during summer holidays can be designated for re-examination.
- terms in the second part of the regular examination period, i.e. in September, but not later than 13th September . (The last term can be held not later than two weeks before the beginning of the next academic year – see the Rules, Article 15, Subsection 4.).

A subject in the winter semester
- pre-terms: after fulfilling the study obligations necessary for performance of the exam (particular weeks can be specified)
- terms in the regular examination period of the winter semester (i.e. from beginning to the end of examination period, depending on the specific academic year)
- terms in the first two weeks of the summer semester, however these can only be second or third terms (i.e. re-examinations)
- further terms will only be set for the regular examination period of the summer semester
- terms in the regular examination period of the summer semester – these and later terms will only be announced after the end of the regular examination period of the winter semester
- terms in the second part of the regular examination period, i.e. in September, but not later than 13th September . (The last term can be held not later than two weeks before the beginning of the next academic year – see the Rules, Article 15, Subsection 4.).

The last term can be held not later than two weeks before the beginning of the next academic year (see the Rules). After that, no more exams can be performed or terms applied for, even if not all possible terms/resits offered have been taken.

Point (2)
Rules for registration for exams and cancellation

The start of registration for specific examination dates will be entered in SIS, and it will be different in particular groups of terms.

It will be specific for the following groups of terms:
- pre-terms (from 8th week on)
- regular terms, incl. 2 weeks in the summer semester for exams in the winter semester (from 8th week on)
- terms during summer holidays (to be specified, usually after the end of the first part of the regular examination period)
- terms in the second part of the examination period, in September (to be specified, usually after the end of the summer holiday terms)

A student can only take the exam if registered for the term in SIS, and when all requisites for the exam have been met.

Registration for an exam is not determined by obtaining the credit but taking the exam is, apart from the credit in the given subject, also limited by completion of any subject that is specified as a (pre)requisite. A student who fails to meet the given requisites will be deleted from the list for the term before examination, of which he/she will be informed by e-mail. This deletion will not reduce the number of terms further available for the student.

Registration for particular examination dates (“terms”) will be possible 1 day prior to the date of the exam.
Cancellation will be possible 48 hours prior to the date of the exam.

Point (3)
Failure to turn up for examination and apology

The student who fails to turn up for the examination that he/she has registered for cannot register for another examination date (see Regulations, Article 6, Subsection 16, and Rules, Articles 8 and 9).
The student must apologise to the principal teacher of the subject (or to the person authorized by the latter) in writing or in electronic mail, giving and substantiating the reasons for the apology.
The student will be informed about acceptance of the apology and also deleted from the original list so that he/she can register for another date.
The principal teacher of the subject can require specification of the apology or its reasons if he/she finds the apology insufficient.

Point (4)

A student can take an examination in a subject for three times as a maximum, i.e. the student is entitled to two re-examinations, and no extraordinary terms beyond that are allowed (Regulations, Article 6, Subsection 16). However, if the student does not exploit the above options within the set examination dates, this does not entitled him/her to a special date of examination to be appointed for him/her personally (ibid.).
No more examination dates (“terms”) will be set.
Further, no examinations can be taken after the end of the second part of the regular examination period in September, or after the last term announced. No extraordinary terms or “Dean's terms” are allowed.
Additional rules for re-examination may be included here, as specified by particular Institutes.

Point (5)
Rules pertaining to the course of examination

The type of examination, tests and their time limits, etc.), questions or topics for examination, study materials and so forth for respective subjects are listed in SiS.

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